De Forge of Empires - Wiki BR
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Interactions with Other Players
Army and battles
Packages and Bundles


Como ganhar população?

Sua população aumenta quando constrói-se um edifício residencial.

Minha população está infeliz. O que devo fazer?

Construir mais edifícios culturais e decorações. Eles aumentam a felicidade do seu povo.

Posso guardar edifícios em meu inventário?

Infelizmente, não é possível mover os edifícios que não precisa em sua cidade para o seu inventário. No entanto, os edifícios que obtiver como recompensa durante os eventos, serão estocados em seu inventário até que sejam colocados em sua cidade.

Posso girar os edifícios?

Não, não é possível rodá-los. Se não tem espaço suficiente em sua cidade, você pode vender alguns edifícios ou reorganizar sua cidade para assim poder usar a área de forma mais eficiente.


Como posso entrar em uma guilda?

Basta abrir a aba de guilda na barra de opções. Então, junte-se a uma guilda sugerida ou crie sua própria guilda!

Como posso obter prestígio para minha guilda?

Participando de batalhas na GvG e conquistando novos setores.

Interações com outros jogadores

O que é motivar e polir e por quanto tempo duram?

A motivação dobra a produção de mantimentos ou estrutura residencial. Tem a duração de apenas uma coleta. Polir duplica a felicidade de um edifício cultural ou decoração. Dura 12 horas. Você pode motivar ou polir edifícios de outros jogadores uma vez a cada 24 horas.

Posso mudar de vizinhança? Estou sendo constantemente saqueado.

As vizinhanças são reagrupadas automaticamente toda semana, não há uma opção no jogo onde você possa alterar de vizinhança. Às vezes, pode ser difícil lutar contra oponentes mais fortes, mas lembre-se: O fato deles terem uma pontuação maior, não significa necessariamente que são mais fortes. Tente batalhar com eles, ou pelo menos certifique-se de colher suas produções no tempo certo, assim não terão o que saquear!

How many times per day can I plunder another player's city?

You can attack a player once per day. Once you have overcome their defending army you have exactly 24 hours to plunder a building of your choice. Then you have to wait for the 24h countdown to end before you can attack again.


I acquired a Goods Deposit on the map. What does it do?

Goods Deposits increase the production of a specific Good by 400%, when producing that Good in a Goods Building.

I need goods to unlock a technology. How do I get them?

There are several ways to obtain goods. You can produce them yourself by constructing goods buildings according to your requirements, or you can trade with other players for the goods you need. Goods can also be purchased with Diamonds.


What are technologies and how can I unlock them?

Research is one of the most important game elements in Forge of Empires. With Forge Points you can discover new technologies, and once you've unlocked them with different kinds of goods, new buildings and expansions will be available to you.

I acquired a Goods Deposit on the map. What does it do?

Goods Deposits increase the production of a specific Good by 400%, when producing that Good in a Goods Building.

Army and battles

How do I recruit army units?

You have to build a military building of your choice and then you can recruit them inside.

How do the different types of units work in a battle?

Units of a certain type receive a bonus in attack and defense against a certain other type. Some may also get a terrain bonus which could affect their attack, defense, or both:

  • Light units increase their defense on forests/bushes and get a bonus against fast units.
  • Ranged units get an attack bonus on rocks and have an advantage against heavy units.
  • Fast units are great against ranged units.
  • Heavy units gain a boost in defense on the plains and are mighty useful against light units.
  • Artillery units gain an attack and defense boost against heavy units as well.

Diamonds, Packages and Bundles

What are Diamonds and how do I get them?

Diamonds are the premium currency of Forge of Empires. You do not need to purchase Diamonds to play the game. However, with Diamonds you can get useful benefits that can for example speed up your progression in the game. Diamonds can be bought with real money, but can also be acquired through some quests and community contests.

To purchase Diamonds, simply tap/click the + button next to the place where your available Diamonds are shown in the top right corner of the screen.

When will you have another game sale/offer?

Unfortunately we're unable to provide you with that knowledge in advance. The best advice we can give you is to keep an eye out for any announcements and special windows upon loading the game.


What are Great Buildings?

Great Buildings are very special buildings which will grant you different benefits. They are more expensive than other buildings in the game and they can be leveled up with Forge Points in order to improve those benefits.

How can I get blueprints?

You can find them when you complete quests, aid other players, contribute to the construction of other players' Great Buildings or by purchasing them with Diamonds.

What are Forge Points and how do I get them?

You need Forge Points to progress through the game. They are stored in the bar at the top of your game screen. You receive 1 Forge Point per hour, up to a fixed maximum, and additional Research Points can be purchased with coins or Diamonds. They can be used for research and trading or can be donated to the Great Buildings of other players.

How do I get medals?

You can gain medals by winning tournaments, completing quests or by helping construct other players' Great Buildings.