Campos de Batalhas da Guilda

O que são os campos de batalha da guilda?
Campos de batalha da guilda é um recurso que permite que as guildas testem suas habilidades em batalha, estratégia e poder contra outras guildas em um mapa de campo de batalha. Existem diferentes mapas de campo de batalha com diferentes desafios e recompensas nos quais as guildas participantes podem desafiar umas às outras e ganhar recompensas pessoais e de guilda, bem como pontos de poder de guilda.
As guildas são combinadas por ligas e lutam por províncias em um dos mapas do campo de batalha. Cada província fornecerá uma certa quantidade de pontos de vitória para a guilda proprietária a cada hora. A quantidade de pontos de vitória decide a classificação final no campo de batalha e, dependendo do desempenho da sua guilda, ela pode subir ou descer no sistema de ligas. Subir significa que os desafios se tornarão ainda mais desafiadores, pois sua guilda enfrentará rivais mais competitivos à medida que cresce, mas também fornecerá recompensas ainda melhores para os membros e para a guilda.
Vulcão | O Arquipélago da Cachoeira |
A partir de dezembro de 2021, os mapas começaram a alternar (o que significa que, depois de jogar um mapa, o próximo o seguirá). Além de serem alternados, o mapa também será o mesmo para todo o mundo. Portanto, todos em um servidor experimentarão o mesmo mapa ao mesmo tempo! Clique em um mapa de campo de batalha de guilda para aprender mais sobre o campo de batalha específico!
Como acessar os Campos de Batalha da Guilda?
Como muitos outros recursos do Forge of Empires, o acesso aos Campos de Batalha da Guilda aparecerá na sua cidade. Assim que você for um membro da guilda e desbloquear a tecnologia Táticas Militares na árvore tecnológica, você terá acesso a este recurso. Uma vez desbloqueado, você verá nos arredores de sua cidade, próximo ao ponto de acesso aos Assentamentos Culturais, uma nova estrutura.
Antes de Desbloquear | Depois de Desbloquear |
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Clique no edifício do Campo de Batalha da Guilda para abrir o novo e emocionante recurso PvP!
Como participo dos Campos de Batalha?
Cada partida no Campo de Batalha será formada por um mapa com 5 a 8 guildas que vão se enfrentar durante 11 dias consecutivos. Além disso, o mapa consiste em um número fixo de províncias, onde cada guilda será inicialmente posicionada nas bordas com uma província e uma sede (a distribuição no mapa deve proporcionar distâncias o mais equitativas possível entre as guildas). Essas províncias principais, por sua vez, nunca podem ser conquistadas por outras guildas.

Após a conclusão de cada Campo de Batalha, haverá um intervalo de 3 dias para que as guildas descansem, coletem suas recompensas e façam novos preparativos. A pontuação da guilda será então atualizada, e seus membros verão se aumentaram ou diminuíram seu progresso no Sistema de Liga.
The basics
Each Battleground consist of a number of provinces. To find a particular province is easy because the naming reflects its position on the battleground map.

Each province is identified by a letter and a number. The letter indicates the direction and sector (i.e D is Southwest sector), and the number of the ring the province is in (i.e 1 is ring 1).To allow you to be more accurate in finding the province, we have also added a letter, to indicate the position of the province within the sector and ring.
Conquest Flags - Attacking & Negotiating
Guilds can only attack provinces which are adjacent to one of their own, and as soon as a guild begins attacking an adjacent province, a “conquest flag” will be displayed in the target province. Each action of the guild with the highest progress will increase the strength of the flag, until it is at full strength and the rival province gets taken over:

Subsequently, the conquered province will stay in a ‘lock down’ state for 4 hours, which means that no guild can progress their conquest flag further in that province. Only the flag of the guild with the most progress will be displayed in a province, but other guilds progressing on that province will be indicated by small colored shields next to the flag. Also, you can always check a detailed list of guilds as well as their progress by clicking it.

To contribute to a certain conquest flag, any guild member can tap on that province to bring up its window. Two options for earning points will be available there: Attack and negotiation. The enemy composition for the battle option, as well as the costs for the negotiation option, will depend on the attacking player's age. At the same time, negotiation provides more than one advance as it takes more time and resources to complete.
When a certain amount of advances is reached, the province will get taken over. The amount of advances needed depends on the league - higher leagues needing more advances.
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Advances needed | 40 | 70 | 100 | 130 | 200/220* |
! *200 for the Waterfall Archipelago, 220 for the Vulcan Archipelago
As stated above, a province that was just taken will be under lock-down for four hours, giving the new owner some time to get victory points or build sector buildings. During lock-down, no other guild can progress their conquest flag further in that locked province.
Defending Provinces
There is no means of directly defending the acquired provinces. The only way of defending your guild's provinces will be by trying to take the provinces of the attacking guild before they take yours. In this case, if the opposing guild loses all adjacent provinces they also lose all advances that they have made towards your province.
Focus Mechanic
For Founders, Leaders and Battleground Officers of a Guild. This functionality gives these members the option to tell their guild to focus or ignore specific provinces on the map. To access this, simply click on a province, and choose either the focus or ignore tick boxes. This will then give a visual prompt to others on which provinces to work on. The function doesn't restrict interaction with other provinces, and is designed to help coordinate, but not to remove people's freedom to choose how they want to play.
Provinces can be marked with the 'Focus' or 'Ignore' signal when they are not owned by your Guild, even if the province is currently in lockdown. Once a province has been acquired by your guild, the focus signal will be removed.
Battleground Logs

Log entry types | Description |
Province lost | This log entry show when your guild has lost the ownership of a province and which guild has conquered it |
Province Conquered | When a province is conquered by your Guild, your Guild will receive information regarding which player did the last action to conquer. The Guild that the province was taken from will also be displayed (unless it was not held by a Guild, and then, only the name of the province and conquering player will be shown). |
Intruder Alert | which will show players that have taken an action against an 'Ignored' province. Therefore, letting your Guild know who is disobeying instructions!.Important Info - In terms of the 'Intruded' log, it will only display to own Guild members, and only on an individual Guild member's first attack of the day on an 'Intruded' province.
Further attacks during the course of the day will not trigger logs. However, another attack on the next day (on the same province), will trigger a further 'Intruded', log, |
Construction logs | which will show whenever your guild build or destroy a battleground building. The log will show which province and who build/destroyed the building. |
Battleground Leaderboard
At all times, the guilds will see their amount of victory points within the feature. By clicking on this component, the Leaderboard will show all participating guilds of their current battleground group, listing the rankings, guild names, number of provinces they hold, current hourly gain of victory points, total of victory points, the amount of League Points which the guild stand to win/lose and a reward preview for the given rank:

Guild Battleground Championships
For six Battleground seasons, your Guild will compete with other Guilds for truly unique prizes, at first – for Diamond Guilds. To check the current Championship duration and the current Diamond League prize, click on this symbol on the top right of your screen in the Guild Battlegrounds:

You can track your progress in Battlegrounds and the Championship on the Leaderboard. The Rankings button will now show the Guild-Battlegrounds-based ranking by default.

The ranks will be based firstly on League Points your Guild currently has, secondly on the amount of Battleground victories in the current Championship, thirdly on total Victory Points accumulated in the current Championship, and lastly on the Guild Level.
Victory Points
The Victory Points are particularly used to measure and count the points towards the current battleground, thus being reset every time you join a new round. Once per hour, each province that a guild holds will provide victory points. The provinces located towards the center of the map will be the ones providing the highest amount of victory points, so aim to acquire those!
Victory Points are accumulated during as normal during each Battleground season within the duration of a Championship and used to determine rankings.
Whenever a player successfully completes a battle or a negotiation (in the context of a Guild Battleground) they will build up Attrition. This is a percentage value that directly affects the (attack and defense) boosts of the defending armies and the difficulty level of the negotiations that the player will face. It can be reduced by placing buildings, however the reduction can never exceed 80%.

So at some point, performing attacks or negotiating will become unfeasible as the defending armies become too strong and the negotiations become too complex or too expensive. Each Guild Member's attrition level can be seen in the Member Activity tab.

However, attrition resets to 0% each day (midnight server time).
If you're curious about the other data, you can take a look at the full table Attrition Table page.
League System
To ensure that there’s no substantial difference between the participating guilds on each Battleground map, we will have a League System made up of five distinct league categories: Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Newly arrived guilds will be positioned in the Copper league.
Cobre | Prata | Ouro | Platina | Diamante |
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League Points
A Guilds League points (LP) decides which league the guild is placed in. Every time a guild participates in a Battleground it will aquire league points based on its placement in the final league result.
The number of League Points can never go below 0 or above 1000.
League | League Points |
![]() Diamond |
901-1000 |
![]() Platinum |
651-900 |
![]() Gold |
351-650 |
![]() Silver |
101-350 |
![]() Copper |
0-100 |
Depending on the placement and the number of opponents in the battleground the LP is adjusted according to the table below:
Placement | 8 Guilds | 7 Guilds | 6 Guilds | 5 Guilds |
1st place | +175 | +150 | +125 | +100 |
2nd place | +125 | +100 | +75 | +50 |
3rd place | +75 | +50 | +25 | 0 |
4th place | +25 | 0 | -25 | -50 |
5th place | -25 | -50 | -75 | -100 |
6th place | -75 | -100 | -125 | |
7th place | -125 | -150 | ||
8th place | -175 |