Era Espacial: Marte Visão Geral

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Novos Horizontes foram alcançados. O sonho da Humanidade em alcançar as estrelas é uma realidade atual no Forge of Empires e começou uma nova corrida espacial. O objetivo: Marte! Explora as vastas e profundas crateras do planeta vermelho e extrai recursos para a tua cidade e colónia. No entanto, fica atento! A Corporação IOU e outras colónias em Marte também estão na corrida para obter os recursos do planeta em seu benefício.

Era Espacial: Marte

A Era Espacial Marte é uma era completamente nova e não será implementada por fases. Desta feita, podes iniciar a tua campanha, gerir uma colónia espacial em Marte, concluir as missões história e paralelas, descobrir a nova forma de obter recursos e construir Grandes Edifícios logo no início!

A Colônia em Marte


Na Colônia Espacial de Marte tudo gira em volta de sobrevivência, extrações e conquista, por isso, prepara-te para a chegada ao planeta vermelho!

Viajar para Marte

CityRocketNew.png Para visitar a tua colónia no planeta vermelho, clica no vaivém espacial na tua cidade.

Expandindo sua inflência

Marte é o único local onde podes encontrar o valioso recurso "Minério de Marte". Produzir mercadorias de Marte requer que obtenhas e processes este minério.
MarsMap.png Abre o Mapa de Campanha e seleciona a aba do planeta Marte para que o possas explorar e conquistar.
Once you have made your claim on the Mars Campaign, you will find special Mars Ore deposits on some of the sectors you have conquered. Click on the ore to send an exploration team to it. Depending on the ore, this may take some time to complete! Ore.png
GetOre.png Once the exploration phase is complete, you can either battle or negotiate for the ore to process it further.

Life Support

LifeSupport.png Your colony on Mars relies on your help to be productive and healthy, so it is up to you to make sure Life Support is provided for your colonists. They will thank it to you with reduced prices for the goods being produced in the colony. Even the cost of Mars Ore is reduced with more Life Support!

The Colony's Buildings

Your Mars colony comes with it's own space and buildings. Click on the "Expand"-Buttons to see the different buildings listed!

The Spaceport
Town Hall Mars Colony

In the beginning, the Spaceport will be the only building in your colony. It is where you start your Mars exploration!

Goods Buildings
Goods Buildings Mars Colony

The Goods Buildings on Mars are the only way to process Mars Ore into useable resources for your main city!

Residential Buildings
Residential Buildings Mars Colony

Any colony needs colonists, and the Residential Buildings are how to gain more colonists.

Life Support Buildings
Life Support Mars Colony

Life Support is crucial in making sure your colonists can be productive and Mars Ore is processed properly.

Two Great Buildings

Space Age Mars also introduces two Great Buildings for your city. The Virgo Project grants your armies an upper hand and the Star Gazer produces goods from the previous era! Click on the "Expand"-Buttons below to see all their details!

The Virgo Project
The Virgo Project

The Virgo Project was build to launch probes into space. An error in its construction made its original purpose impractical, so the facility was refitted to launch military missiles instead.

This Great Building has the ability Missile Launch, which gives you the chance to kill half of all enemy units at the start of a battle. Additionally, the building also produces coins for your city.

Star Gazer
Star Gazer

The Star Gazer is one of the most powerful ground-based telescopes and is used to scan the Solar System in high detail. It is praised for its crucial role in the colonization of Mars.

This Great Building produces goods of the previous era every 24 hours. At level 1, 5 goods of the previous era are generated. At level 10, it's 50 and at level 50 it's 132 goods!

New Units

To secure the resources of the red planet, you will need a capable force on Mars. The following Units can be produced in your main city and used on Mars: Space Age Mars Units