Medals Ranking

De Forge of Empires - Wiki BR
Revisão de 12h51min de 15 de julho de 2016 por Ana (discussão | contribs)
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Medals are a very useful resource and for that reason they have a special place in our ranking, you can use them to get more expansions, negociate on Guild Expeditions and also on GvG. This is how the medals ranking looks like:


When you select the medals tab on the ranking's window, it will show your current position, guilds, the total amount of medals you have had on your time playing Forge of Empires and the amount of battles you have done.

You can get medals as follows:

Joining PvP Tournaments


During Events
At some Great Buildings (like Coliseum)
At Special Buildings (like the Victory Tower)
Collaborating on Great Buildings from other players